Writer, Editor & Book Coach in Training

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New Medium Post: Reinstating Habits

It’s time to get back on the writing wagon. How do you reinstate your habits? You can check out the full piece here.


New Medium Post: Book Coach – Yay or Nay?

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Do you use a Book Coach? Or, if you haven’t would you? Why or why not?. You can check out the full piece here.


New Medium Post: Where Do You Write Best?

Consider the ways that we try to prove that we are indeed legit in calling ourselves writers. You can check out the full piece here.


New Medium Post: Getting Your Words Out There

Consider the ways that we try to prove that we are indeed legit in calling ourselves writers. You can check out the full piece here.


Medium Post – Anyone Can Write Online: Are Older Writers Better?

It is not the age that gives us the writing edge, but our experiences in life. You can check out the full piece here.


Medium Post – Migrations Review: Home Is Where Our Things Are

The idea of “home” changes when you live as an expat. You can check out the full piece here.


Visit @theoshwriter on Instagram

So… it has been a hot minute since I have updated this space with new pieces that I have posted on Medium or other Medium spaces. Therefore, I thought I would just make a post to recommend you follow @theoshwriter on Instagram to get the fastest updates on what I’m putting out into the web-verse.

In other areas, I am still plugging away on my book and have even taken on a new writing project with a bit shorter term deadlines, so stay tuned.

Finally, progress is happening with my book coaching study as well, so I just may find the last quarter of the year setting me up nicely for a newly invented me in 2023!

For the meantime, though, I’ll try to be a bit more consistent here with sharing what is going out from my fingertips to your eyes.


New Medium Post: Writing Within Limits

I’ve been a bit absent-minded, literally, these days with limits on my writing time and space. However, I did manage to get this one written. You can check out the full piece here.


New Medium Post: Pen Names Or Real Ones

You can check out the full piece here.


New Medium Post: How do I know I am a writer?

You can check out the full piece here.


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