As I mentioned in my last post, I am working on upping my game a little bit as I prepare to slowly do more work as an editor and writer. Nothing is “official” in terms of a job/career/post, but everything is official in terms of my daily work, life ambition, and general use of time. Professionally, I do freelance work and I can now say I am a published writer with more works in the works.
So, I wanted to start to be present in the social media sphere as my published name – Tara OSH. Before, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to put my face on things out in the public sphere. However, I do it freely with my personal space – of course with conditions and tight privacy settings. Thus, it isn’t such a big leap that I would start to do it in a more professional manner.
Here it is!
Please do comment and let me know how the look feels for you and I will endeavour to continue to build the new image and rebrand with a more specific target in mind! More on that part later. 🤪
~ Tara OSH 📖☀️❤️