Writer, Editor & Book Coach in Training

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First 2024 Greetings

Well, well, Happy New Year to 2024! It’s been a bit since I last made a proper blog post on here. Much of my focus got distracted early last year when I broke my ankle, but I’m starting off this year healthy and ready to reset my intentions on getting some writing done.

However, before I get too far into my plans for this year, let me share that I did manage to publish the second volume of my Umbria on a Whim series – Vol 2: Healthcare. So, checkout the link and get your copy! Although I had planned to do a different topic for Volume 2, it seemed more prudent to focus on healthcare as I spent many months using the system. This year, I hope to get Volume 3 and maybe 4 done with a focus on Housing, so stay tuned on that.

In other news, I am still working on how to get my letters subscription sorted out, but if you feel up to the task of trying to subscribe under the OSH’s Letters tab, give it a go and then let me know so I can ensure that you get notification of the new letters when they come out.

So, watch this space for more activity to come! Thanks for coming back and being a reader of my words.

~Tara OSH ๐Ÿ“–โ˜€๏ธโค๏ธ

Rebranding, New Image

New social media icon

As I mentioned in my last post, I am working on upping my game a little bit as I prepare to slowly do more work as an editor and writer. Nothing is “official” in terms of a job/career/post, but everything is official in terms of my daily work, life ambition, and general use of time. Professionally, I do freelance work and I can now say I am a published writer with more works in the works.

So, I wanted to start to be present in the social media sphere as my published name – Tara OSH. Before, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to put my face on things out in the public sphere. However, I do it freely with my personal space – of course with conditions and tight privacy settings. Thus, it isn’t such a big leap that I would start to do it in a more professional manner.

Here it is!

New post on Instagram @theoshwriter

Please do comment and let me know how the look feels for you and I will endeavour to continue to build the new image and rebrand with a more specific target in mind! More on that part later. ๐Ÿคช

~ Tara OSH ๐Ÿ“–โ˜€๏ธโค๏ธ


Phew! ๐Ÿ˜… It has been a hot-minute since I have last posted here. Just when I was getting in my groove for 2023, the Universe decided she had other plans for me over the next four months! You can read up on that on my personal blog if you’re interested in following my broken ankle saga!

So, I’m back – just as summer craze is about to begin. However, I’m determined to get my writing on again ASAP.

This past week, I was able to go on a short “writing retreat” back in Florence, which gave me a new sense of purpose, motivation, etc. with the writing. I just have to remember that I write for me more than anyone or anything else and so when I don’t write I am really letting myself down. No more of that!๐Ÿ˜

Therefore, stay tuned for a little bit of rebranding with my OSHWriter presence on social media.

Until next time,


New Medium Post: ‘We Matter’

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New Medium Post: Manuscript Sent

Wrote a little piece on Medium sharing my happy dance about sending off my first manuscript to be self/hybrid-published. You can check out theย full piece here.


New Medium Post: Accepting Negative Feedback

It’s time to get back on the writing wagon. How do you reinstate your habits? You can check out the full piece here.


New Medium Post: Reinstating Habits

It’s time to get back on the writing wagon. How do you reinstate your habits? You can check out theย full piece here.


New Medium Post: Book Coach – Yay or Nay?

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Do you use a Book Coach? Or, if you haven’t would you? Why or why not?. You can check out the full piece here.


New Medium Post: Where Do You Write Best?

Consider the ways that we try to prove that we are indeed legit in calling ourselves writers. You can check out theย full piece here.


New Medium Post: Getting Your Words Out There

Consider the ways that we try to prove that we are indeed legit in calling ourselves writers. You can check out theย full piece here.


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